Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
13 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2018

On the relationship between atmospheric rivers, weather types and floods in Galicia (NW Spain)

Jorge Eiras-Barca, Nieves Lorenzo, Juan Taboada, Alba Robles, and Gonzalo Miguez-Macho

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Climatology of Lyapunov exponents: the link between atmospheric rivers and large-scale mixing variability
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper analyzes the connection between the so-called atmospheric rivers (ARs, long and narrow structures of anomalously high water vapor flux located in the warm sector of extratropical cyclones) and floods in the northwestern region of the Iberian Peninsula through the use of the weather types classification adopting the subjective procedure of Lamb.
Final-revised paper