Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
07 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 07 Jul 2017

Changes in beach shoreline due to sea level rise and waves under climate change scenarios: application to the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean)

Alejandra R. Enríquez, Marta Marcos, Amaya Álvarez-Ellacuría, Alejandro Orfila, and Damià Gomis


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Short summary
In this work we assess the impacts in reshaping coastlines as a result of sea level rise and changes in wave climate. The methodology proposed combines two wave models to resolve the wave processes in two micro-tidal sandy beaches in Mallorca island, western Mediterranean. The modelling approach is validated with observations. Our results indicate that the studied beaches would suffer a coastal retreat of between 7 and up to 50 m, equivalent to half of the present-day aerial beach surface.
Final-revised paper