Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
06 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 06 Jul 2017

River predisposition to ice jams: a simplified geospatial model

Stéphane De Munck, Yves Gauthier, Monique Bernier, Karem Chokmani, and Serge Légaré


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Short summary
Ice jams emerge from the accumulation of fragmented ice on a specific section of a river, obstructing the channel and restricting the flow. The resulting floods are socioeconomically costly as well as life threatening. When breakup occurs and ice starts to move downstream the river, a key question is, where would the released ice be susceptible to jam? The goal of this work was to develop a simplified geospatial model to estimate the predisposition of a river channel to ice jams.
Final-revised paper