Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2016

A detailed seismic zonation model for shallow earthquakes in the broader Aegean area

D. A. Vamvakaris, C. B. Papazachos, Ch. A. Papaioannou, E. M. Scordilis, and G. F. Karakaisis


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Short summary
This is a new seismic zonation model of 113 shallow zones for the broader Aegean area, which can be used for seismic hazard assessment. This model is based on seismicity information and incorporates all available seismotectonic and neotectonic information, to define zones which show homogeneous seismicity and similar active faulting characteristics. Using this model, a detailed study is performed for the catalogue completeness, as well as seismicity parameters (a and b) and their distribution.
Final-revised paper