Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Research article
19 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 19 Feb 2016

Contributing factors to the failure of an unusually large landslide triggered by the 2014 Ludian, Yunnan, China, Ms  =  6.5 earthquake

Z. F. Chang, X. L. Chen, X. W. An, and J. W. Cui


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Short summary
The 3 August 2014 Ludian, China, Ms = 6.5 earthquake caused many large landslides. The biggest occurred at Hongshiyan near the epicenter, had a volume of 1.0  ×  107 m3 and dammed the Niulanjiang River, creating a large lake. Post-event field investigations yielded detailed data on the rock structure, the local lithology and geometry of the landslide dam and composition and grain sizes of the debris avalanche. Based on these data, this work analyzes the geology and topography of the Hongshiyan area.
Final-revised paper