Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Research article
02 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 02 Sep 2016

Causes and consequences of the sinkhole at El Trébol of Quito, Ecuador – implications for economic damage and risk assessment

Theofilos Toulkeridis, Fabián Rodríguez, Nelson Arias Jiménez, Débora Simón Baile, Rodolfo Salazar Martínez, Aaron Addison, Dora Carreón Freyre, Fernando Mato, and Carmen Díaz Perez


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Short summary
Any sinkhole occurring in a highly active city provokes chaos and disturbance. In the city of Quito a big sinkhole appeared in a critical road interchange called El Trébol. For a few months the city came close to collapse with its traffic in this zone and a state of emergency was declared. During the recovery and reconstruction of the site, the cause was able to be determined as the combined negligence of monitoring of older subterranean infrastructure as well as high precipitation.
Final-revised paper