03 Feb 2025
 | 03 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NHESS.

Indirect assimilation of radar reflectivity data with an adaptive hydrometer retrieval scheme for the short-term severe weather forecasts

Lixin Song, Feifei Shen, Zhixin He, Dongmei Xu, Aiqing Shu, and Jiajun Chen

Abstract. Different hydrometeor retrieval schemes are explored based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in the indirect assimilation of radar reflectivity for two real cases occurred during June 2020 and August 2018. When retrieving hydrometeors from radar reflectivity, there are two commonly used hydrometeor classification methods: “temperature-based” and “background hydrometer-dependent” schemes. The hydrometeor proportions are usually empirically assigned in the “temperature-based” method within different background temperature intervals. Whereas, in the “background hydrometer-dependent” scheme, each type of the hydrometeor is derived based on the portions estimated from the background field for different radar reflectivity ranges. In this study, a blending scheme is designed to combine “temperature-based” and “background hydrometer-dependent” methods adaptively to avoid errors caused by fixed relationships and reduce uncertainties introduced by the background field itself. Three experiments, EXP_temp, EXP_bg, and EXP_temp-bg are conducted using the “temperature-based” method, “background hydrometer-dependent” scheme, and blending scheme, respectively. It is found that, the blending scheme facilitates the generation of accurate hydrometeor species which will enhance the effectiveness of radar data assimilation. EXP_temp-bg is capable of analyzing radar reflectivity structures more accurately compared to both EXP_temp and EXP_bg. Besides, due to the adaptive combination of “temperature-based” and “background hydrometer-dependent” schemes, the EXP_temp-bg experiment predict the radar reflectivity structures and precipitation intensity more accurately.

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Lixin Song, Feifei Shen, Zhixin He, Dongmei Xu, Aiqing Shu, and Jiajun Chen

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on nhess-2024-203', Anonymous Referee #1, 17 Mar 2025 reply
  • CC1: 'Comment on nhess-2024-203', Yi Wang, 19 Mar 2025 reply
Lixin Song, Feifei Shen, Zhixin He, Dongmei Xu, Aiqing Shu, and Jiajun Chen
Lixin Song, Feifei Shen, Zhixin He, Dongmei Xu, Aiqing Shu, and Jiajun Chen


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Short summary
When retrieving hydrometeors from reflectivity, there are two methods to allocate hydrometeor types: temperature-based and background hydrometer-dependent schemes. The temperature-based method divides hydrometeor proportions based on the background temperature, while the other scheme calculates average weights of each hydrometeor in various reflectivity intervals from background fields. The blending scheme adaptively combines these methods and is found to improve precipitation forecast accuracy.