18 Sep 2024
 | 18 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NHESS.

Coupled GPU-based Modeling of Dynamic-Wave Flow and Solute Transport in Floods with Cellular Automata Framework

Hsiang-Lin Yu and Tsang-Jung Chang

Abstract. To achieve efficient modeling of flood flow and subsequent solute transport in real-world flood events, the present study couples the CA-based shallow water flow (SWFCA) solver of Chang et al. (2022) with a CA-based advanced solute transport (ASTCA) solver as a novel coupled approach. This coupled approach is GPU-parallelized by using OpenCL 2.1 under Nvidia CUDA to enhance efficiency. The accuracy of the coupled approach is verified and compared with a popular finite-volume-based coupled approach consisting of a Godunov-type FV-HLLC model for flood flow and a Godunov-type FV-TVD model for solute transport through four test cases. The efficiency of the coupled approach is next assessed through three real-world flood cases with massive computational cells. From the simulated results, the ASTCA solver is found to have better accuracy than the state-of-the-art FV-TVD model. Regarding the efficiency, the SWFCA and ASTCA solvers respectively outperform the FV-HLLC and FV-TVD models by 1.28–1.33 and 2.90–3.33 times. After GPU parallelization, the SWFCA solver, ASTCA solver, and CA-based coupled approach respectively speed up the simulations by 57.64–76.23, 53.55–69.88, and 56.32–74.15 times, which is a remarkable progress as the simulations are performed on a PC with a normal graphic card. Hence, the proposed approach is a useful tool for real-world flood flow and solute transport simulations.

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Hsiang-Lin Yu and Tsang-Jung Chang

Status: open (until 30 Oct 2024)

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Hsiang-Lin Yu and Tsang-Jung Chang
Hsiang-Lin Yu and Tsang-Jung Chang


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Short summary
A novel Cellular Automata-based solute transport solver (ASTCA) is proposed and found to have higher accuracy than the second-order accuracy finite volume alternative (FV-TVD) but be faster by 3.33 times. It is then coupled with a sophisticated CA-based shallow water flow solver (SWFCA) as a new CA-based coupled approach. The coupled approach can even accelerate up to 74.15 times after GPU parallelization, which is quite satisfactory since the simulations are conducted on a simple PC.