09 Nov 2021
 | 09 Nov 2021
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Understanding rockfalls along the national road G318 in China: from source area identification to hazard probability simulation

Lixia Chen, Yu Zhao, Yuanyao Li, Lei Gui, Kunlong Yin, and Dhruba Pikha Shrestha

Abstract. Rockfall hazard is frequent along the national road (G318) in west Hubei, China. To understand the distribution and potential hazard probability, this study combines the result of a 3-years engineering geological investigation, statistical modeling, and kinemics-based method to identify risky road sections. Rockfall hazard probability is calculated by integrating spatial, temporal, size probability, and reaching probabilities of source areas. Rockfall source areas are preliminarily identified first by slope angle threshold (SAT) analysis. Random Forest model (RFM) and multivariate logistic regression model (MLRM) are then applied and compared to get the final susceptible source areas, considering eight factors, including slope, aspect, elevation, lithology, joint density, slope structure, land-use type, distance to the road. Temporal and size probability of source areas are separately obtained by Poisson distribution and power-law distribution theory. An important parameter (reach angle) for rockfall trajectory simulation was determined by back analysis in Flow-R and validated by field investigation. The results show good fitness with the measurements by field investigation. In the conditions of 5, 20, and 50 years return period, potential risky road sections are found out under two size scenarios (larger than 1 000 m3, 10 000 m3). This research helps the local government to completely understand the rock falls from source area existence and potential risk to roads.

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Lixia Chen, Yu Zhao, Yuanyao Li, Lei Gui, Kunlong Yin, and Dhruba Pikha Shrestha

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Lixia Chen, Yu Zhao, Yuanyao Li, Lei Gui, Kunlong Yin, and Dhruba Pikha Shrestha
Lixia Chen, Yu Zhao, Yuanyao Li, Lei Gui, Kunlong Yin, and Dhruba Pikha Shrestha


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Short summary
Rockfall is frequent along the national road (G318) in China. In order to identify the location of roadside collapse to reduce the threat to the road. The source area, movement range, time probability, and scale probability of collapse disaster all need to be calculated quantitatively. Combined with the spatial probability, time probability, and scale probability of collapse, the risk formula is used to get the risk of collapse.