25 Jul 2019
 | 25 Jul 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Study on Flood Control Safety Evaluation Based on Composite Risk Model

Yingying Lan, Faliang Gui, Dongnan Luo, Youqin Zou, and Hua Bai

Abstract. The process of dam design up to the management of dam operation involves many uncertain factors, such as hydrologic, hydraulic and flood control factors, which cause risks for the flood control safety of dams. This study presents an integrated probabilistic framework that combines Monte Carlo Simulation and a flood control risk model. Results show that the highest flood level of 1000-year return periods of the Zhelin Reservoir exceeds the designed flood level. However, the overtopping risk probability is small because super safe elevation is considered in the crest elevation design of the earth dam. Sensitivity analysis indicates that flood peak flow, line type hydrological factors and flood control level are more sensitive than hydraulic factors. When many factors are considered, the comprehensive risk rate is small because of the positive and negative effects of these factors. Numerical experiments indicate that hydrology and flood control level influence the estimated maximum water level more than hydraulics does. Because of these uncertain factors, it is necessary to consider super safe elevation in dam planning and design. And pay attention to the sensitive factor of flood control level in reservoir management and operation.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Yingying Lan, Faliang Gui, Dongnan Luo, Youqin Zou, and Hua Bai

Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Yingying Lan, Faliang Gui, Dongnan Luo, Youqin Zou, and Hua Bai
Yingying Lan, Faliang Gui, Dongnan Luo, Youqin Zou, and Hua Bai


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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025

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Short summary
The Zhelin Reservoir construction has a long history and the designing data was insufficient. Its safety is particularly important because of large scale. Whether a risk of flood control safety exists in the reservoir should be evaluated. This study presents an integrated probabilistic framework that combines Monte Carlo Simulation and a flood control risk model. This model involves many uncertain factors and sensitivity are analyzed. Technical guidance are provided for reservoir flood control.