21 Aug 2017
 | 21 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Potential Impact of Landslide and Debris Flow on Climate Extreme – A Case Study of Xindian Watershed in Taiwan

Shih-Chao Wei, Hung-Ju Shih, Hsin-Chi Li, and Ko-Fei Liu

Abstract. Sedimentary produced and transported in mountainous area under extreme rainfall by climate change is a challenged issue in recent years, especially in a watershed scale. The scenario approach with coupled simulation by different models could be one of a solution for further discussion under warming climate. With properly model selection, the simulation of projected rainfall, landslide, and debris flow are integrated by fully connection between models. Moreover, a case in Xindian watershed upstream the capital of Taiwan is chose for studying, and two extreme scenarios in late 20th and late 21st century are selected for comparison on changing climate. With sequent simulation, the chain process and compounded disaster can be considered in our analysis. The potential effects of landslides and debris flows are compared between current and future, and the likely impact in selected watershed are discussed under climate extreme. Result shows the unstable sediment volume would enlarge 29 % in terms of projected extreme event. The river bed may have strong variation by serious debris flow and increase about 10 % elevation in main channel. These findings also highlight the increasing risk in stable water supply, isolated village effect, and other secondary disaster in this watershed. A practical reference could be provided by some critical information in our result for long-term adapted strategies.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Shih-Chao Wei, Hung-Ju Shih, Hsin-Chi Li, and Ko-Fei Liu

Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Shih-Chao Wei, Hung-Ju Shih, Hsin-Chi Li, and Ko-Fei Liu

Model code and software

Numerical simulation of debris flow with application on hazard area mapping K.-F. Liu and M. C. Huang

Shih-Chao Wei, Hung-Ju Shih, Hsin-Chi Li, and Ko-Fei Liu


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Short summary
We proposed an integrated simulation including rainfall, landslides, and debris flows. In this simulation, the chain process is considered, and the potential effect or likely impact of compound disaster are also discussed on a watershed scale. Under extreme scenarios, the compound disaster becomes more series in our results and lead to increasing risk of stable water supply, isolated village effect, and other secondary disasters. A practical reference could be provided for further policy-making.