26 Jan 2016
 | 26 Jan 2016
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

GIS-based Real-time Framework of Debris Flow Hazard Assessment for Expressways in Korea

C. K. Chung, H. S. Kim, S. R. Kim, and K. S. Kim

Abstract. Debris flows caused by heavy rainfall in mountain areas near expressways lead to severe social and economic loss and sometimes even result in casualties. However, in Korea, the design of road structures that resist these debris flow incidents are generally not carried out in a systematic way with proper concepts or procedures. Therefore, the development of a real-time system for debris flow hazard assessment is necessary to provide preliminary information for rapid decision making of evacuations or restoration measures, and to prevent second-hand disasters caused by debris flows. Recently, various map-based approaches have been proposed using multi-attribute criteria and assessment methods for debris flow susceptibilities. However, for the macro-zonation of debris flow hazards at a national scale, a simplified method such as the Korea Expressway Corporation debris flow hazard assessment method is appropriate and also applicable for systemization based on GIS and monitoring networks. In this study, a GIS-based real-time framework of debris flow hazards for expressway sections was newly proposed based on the KEC debris flow hazard assessment method. First, the KEC-based method was standardized in a systematic fashion using ESRI ArcGIS, enabling the objective and quantitative acquisition of various attribute datasets. Also, for a more precise assessment, the quantification of rainfall criteria was considered. Finally, a safety management system for debris flow hazards was developed based on a GIS platform, and was applied and verified on three expressway sections in Korea.

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C. K. Chung, H. S. Kim, S. R. Kim, and K. S. Kim
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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C. K. Chung, H. S. Kim, S. R. Kim, and K. S. Kim
C. K. Chung, H. S. Kim, S. R. Kim, and K. S. Kim


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Short summary
The development of a real-time system for debris flow hazard assessment is necessary to provide preliminary information for rapid decision making of evacuations or restoration measures and to prevent second-hand disasters caused by debris flows. In this study, a GIS-based real-time framework of debris flow hazards for expressway sections was newly proposed and a safety management system for debris flow hazards was developed using Korea Expressway Corporation debris flow hazard assessment method.