13 May 2016
 | 13 May 2016
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Using spatial Markovian chain for the statistical analysis of seismic occurrences in the Azores Region

Maria Cecília M. Rodrigues and Carlos S. Oliveira

Abstract. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial sequence of the epicentral locations of seismic occurrences (Space variable) in the Azores region. In a previous investigation based on geological considerations and statistical criteria that addresses the existing historical and instrumental information, the epicentral locations were assigned to seven seismic zones.

This paper focuses on the analysis of occurrences in the seven seismic zones using Markovian chains.

The probability of occurrence of an earthquake in one of the seven adopted zones is estimated, revealing great differences among the seismic zones.

Additionally, the one-step transitions of this variable (seismic zone for the next occurrence in time) are explored and show an evident dependence between consecutive earthquake locations. Assuming that the process is stationary, N-step transitions are also discussed. Based on the developed Markovian model, this study also simulates the sequence of epicentral zones where occurrences can take place, which is an important component of modelling the entire process of seismic occurrences in the Azores region.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Maria Cecília M. Rodrigues and Carlos S. Oliveira
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Maria Cecília M. Rodrigues and Carlos S. Oliveira
Maria Cecília M. Rodrigues and Carlos S. Oliveira


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