31 Mar 2014
 | 31 Mar 2014
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Evaluation of changes in different climates of Iran, using De Martonne index and Mann–Kendall trend test

A. R. Zareiee

Abstract. In this paper, according to the data of 40 stations in Iran during 1967–2005, changes in different climates of Iran evaluated. The De Martonne index and Mann–Kendall trend test are indexes that by uses the precipitation and temperature provide the evaluate possibility of the climate condition and pattern of climate changes. The objective of this study is to evaluation of changes in different climates in Iran. The results of this research showed that, The surface percent of Iran in the hyper arid, semi arid, humid and hyper humid type 1 climate categories have had a ascending trend, but only the ascending trend of the hyper arid category has been significant and the surface percent of the humid, hyper humid type 1 and semi arid categories have had a insignificant trend. The surface percent of Iran in the arid, Mediterranean, semi humid and hyper humid type 2 climate categories have had a descending trend, but the descending trend of the hyper humid type 2, Mediterranean and semi humid categories have been significant and the surface percent of the arid categories have had an insignificant trend. So the total results showed that, Iran is going to be more arid.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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A. R. Zareiee

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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A. R. Zareiee
A. R. Zareiee


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