Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
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Detection of millimetric deformation using a terrestrial laser scanner: experiment and application to a rockfall event
A. Abellán
RISKNAT group & GEOMODELS Institute, Department of Geodynamics and Geophysics, University of Barcelona, Spain
M. Jaboyedoff
Institute of Geomatics and Risk Analysis (IGAR), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
T. Oppikofer
Institute of Geomatics and Risk Analysis (IGAR), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
J. M. Vilaplana
RISKNAT group & GEOMODELS Institute, Department of Geodynamics and Geophysics, University of Barcelona, Spain
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198 citations as recorded by crossref.
- A new method for mining deformation monitoring with GPS-RTK J. GAO et al. 10.1016/S1003-6326(12)61658-6
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Latest update: 31 Mar 2025