Articles | Volume 5, issue 4
14 Jul 2005
 | 14 Jul 2005

Frost damage of bricks composing a railway tunnel monument in Central Japan: field monitoring and laboratory simulation

C. Thomachot, N. Matsuoka, N. Kuchitsu, and M. Morii

Abstract. Bricks of tunnels and bridges of Usui Pass railway (Japan) exposed to north are subject to frost damage. Average depth of erosion due to detachment of angular blocks is around 1-1.5 cm. In order to assess this weathering and to understand its mechanism, an experimental study was carried out in the field and laboratory. Field monitoring showed the combination of seasonal and diurnal freezing with a maximum of heave when the freezing front reached 5 cm depth. Bricks taken from the site were submitted to unidirectional freezing at capillary and vacuum saturation in the laboratory. Results showed that frost damage of bricks was favoured by high saturation level and repetition of freeze-thaw cycles.
