Articles | Volume 4, issue 1
09 Mar 2004
 | 09 Mar 2004

Automated sliding susceptibility mapping of rock slopes

A. Günther, A. Carstensen, and W. Pohl

Abstract. We present a suite of extensions for ARCVIEW GIS™ (ESRI) that allows to map the spatial distribution of first-order mechanical slope-properties in hard rock terrain, e.g. for large slope areas like water reservoir slopes. Besides digital elevation data, this expert-system includes regional continuous grid-based data on geological structures that might act as potential sliding or cutoff planes for rockslides. The system allows rapid automated mapping of geometrical and kinematical slope properties in hard rock, providing the basis for spatially distributed deterministic sliding-susceptibility evaluations on a pixel base. Changing hydrostatic slope conditions and rock mechanical parameters can be implemented and used for simple predictive static stability calculations. Application is demonstrated for a study area in the Harz Mts., Germany.
