Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Research article
11 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 11 Dec 2024

A 2700-year record of Cascadia megathrust and crustal/slab earthquakes from Acorn Woman Lakes, Oregon

Ann E. Morey and Chris Goldfinger

Data sets

Bathymetric data for upper and lower Acorn Woman Lakes Ann Elizabeth Morey

Model code and software

Oxcal model code for "A 2700-year record of Cascadia megathrust and crustal/slab earthquakes from Acorn Woman Lakes, Oregon'' Ann Elizabeth Morey

Short summary
This study uses the characteristics from a deposit attributed to the 1700 CE Cascadia earthquake to identify other subduction-earthquake deposits in sediments from two lakes located near the California–Oregon border. Seven deposits were identified in these records, and an age–depth model suggests that these correlate in time to the largest Cascadia earthquakes preserved in the offshore record, suggesting that inland lakes can be good recorders of Cascadia earthquakes.
Final-revised paper