Articles | Volume 24, issue 6
Brief communication
21 Jun 2024
Brief communication |  | 21 Jun 2024

Brief communication: Implications of outstanding solitons for the occurrence of rogue waves at two additional sites in the North Sea

Ina Teutsch, Ralf Weisse, and Sander Wahls

Model code and software

FastNFT/FNFT: Version 0.5.0 Sander Wahls et al.

Short summary
We investigate buoy and radar measurement data from shallow depths in the southern North Sea. We analyze the role of solitons for the occurrence of rogue waves. This is done by computing the nonlinear soliton spectrum of each time series. In a previous study that considered a single measurement site, we found a connection between the shape of the soliton spectrum and the occurrence of rogue waves. In this study, results for two additional sites are reported.
Final-revised paper