Articles | Volume 23, issue 11
Research article
15 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2023

A wave-resolving modeling study of rip current variability, rip hazard, and swimmer escape strategies on an embayed beach

Ye Yuan, Huaiwei Yang, Fujiang Yu, Yi Gao, Benxia Li, and Chuang Xing

Data sets

dryuanye/FUNWAVE-GPU: First release of FUNWAVE-GPU (v1.0) Y. Yuan

Model code and software

FUNWAVE-TVD source code with a modified Lagrangian tracking module to simulate swimmer escape strategies Y. Yuan

Short summary
Rip currents are narrow jets of offshore-directed flow that originated in the surf zone, which can take swimmers of all ability levels into deeper water unawares. In this study, a 1 m fine-resolution wave-resolving model was configured to study rip current variability and the optimal swimmer escape strategies. Multiple factors contribute to the survival of swimmers. However, for weak-to-moderate rip and longshore currents, swimming onshore consistently seems to be the most successful strategy.
Final-revised paper