Articles | Volume 23, issue 8
Research article
01 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 01 Aug 2023

Joint probability analysis of storm surges and waves caused by tropical cyclones for the estimation of protection standard: a case study on the eastern coast of the Leizhou Peninsula and the island of Hainan in China

Zhang Haixia, Cheng Meng, and Fang Weihua

Data sets

Western North Pacific tropical cyclone database created by the China Meteorological Administration ( Xiaoqin Lu, Hui Yu, Ming Ying, Bingke Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Limin Lin, Lina Bai, and Rijin Wan

Model code and software

Code for joint probabilistic analysis of storm surges and waves (Version v1.0) Weihua Fang, Haixia Zhang, and Meng Cheng

Short summary
Simultaneous storm surge and waves can cause great damage due to cascading effects. Quantitative joint probability analysis is critical to determine their optimal protection design values. The joint probability of the surge and wave for the eastern coasts of Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan are estimated with a Gumbel copula based on 62 years of numerically simulated data, and the optimal design values under various joint return periods are derived using the non-linear programming method.
Final-revised paper