Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
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Three-dimensional numerical simulation of mud flow from a tailing dam failure across complex terrain
Dayu Yu
Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining & Information Sharing of
Ministry Education, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
National Eng. Research Center of Geospatial Information Technology,
Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
Liyu Tang
Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining & Information Sharing of
Ministry Education, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
National Eng. Research Center of Geospatial Information Technology,
Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
Chongcheng Chen
Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining & Information Sharing of
Ministry Education, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
National Eng. Research Center of Geospatial Information Technology,
Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
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29 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Validation of an Empirical Model with Risk Assessment Functionalities to Simulate and Evaluate the Tailings Dam Failure in Brumadinho T. Dedring et al. 10.3390/su14116681
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- Modelling the temporal-varied nonlinear velocity profile of debris flow using a stratification aggregation algorithm in 3D-HBP-SPH framework Z. Han et al. 10.1007/s11629-024-8954-8
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- Numerical Study of the Water Surface Movement on the Breaching Process of Natural Dams A. Issakhov et al. 10.1007/s11269-024-04011-7
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- Probabilistic Analysis of Floods from Tailings Dam Failures: A Method to Analyze the Impact of Rheological Parameters on the HEC-RAS Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley Models M. Melo & J. Eleutério 10.3390/w15162866
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- Experimental and numerical investigations of a catastrophic tailings dam break in Daye, Hubei, China Y. Zhuang et al. 10.1007/s10064-021-02491-0
- A new look at the statistics of tailings dam failures L. Piciullo et al. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106657
- Numerical Simulation of Tailings Flow from Dam Failure over Complex Terrain Y. Yang et al. 10.3390/ma15062288
- Bidirectionally greedy framework for unsupervised 3D building extraction from airborne-based 3D meshes D. Yu et al. 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104917
- 3D-SPH-DEM coupling simulation for the large deformation failure process of check dams under debris flow impact incorporating the nonlinear collision-constraint bond model Z. Han et al. 10.1016/j.enganabound.2024.105877
- Extracting the Tailings Ponds from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images by Integrating a Deep Learning-Based Model J. Lyu et al. 10.3390/rs13040743
- Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Water Flow on the Piers of a Bridge for Different Incidence Angles D. Huang 10.32604/fdmp.2022.020314
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- A virtual geographic environment for dynamic simulation and analysis of tailings dam failure D. Yu et al. 10.1080/17538947.2021.1945151
- A Method for Estimating the Area Covered by Tailings in a Dam Failure Scenario T. Lazarim et al. 10.1007/s10706-021-01920-x
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27 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Considerations for using critical state soil mechanics based constitutive models for capturing static liquefaction failure of tailings dams H. Liu et al. 10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.106089
- Validation of an Empirical Model with Risk Assessment Functionalities to Simulate and Evaluate the Tailings Dam Failure in Brumadinho T. Dedring et al. 10.3390/su14116681
- Influence of Different Redevelopment Measures on Water–Oil Immiscible Displacement and Mechanism Analysis L. Wang et al. 10.3390/en16135047
- Modelling the temporal-varied nonlinear velocity profile of debris flow using a stratification aggregation algorithm in 3D-HBP-SPH framework Z. Han et al. 10.1007/s11629-024-8954-8
- Study on the impact of debris flow from tailings dam failure on shale gas well station M. Chen et al. 10.3389/feart.2023.1297133
- Evaluating the Performance of Protective Barriers against Debris Flows Using Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian and Finite Element Analyses S. Sha et al. 10.3390/su16177332
- Geomorphologic risk zoning to anticipate tailings dams' hazards: A study in the Brumadinho's mining area, Minas Gerais, Brazil P. Pereira et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169136
- Modeling the Slump-Type Landslide Tsunamis Part I: Developing a Three-Dimensional Bingham-Type Landslide Model T. Wu et al. 10.3390/app10186501
- Numerical Analysis of Tailings Dam Break Based on GDEM-GAVA X. Shuai et al. 10.1007/s10706-023-02708-x
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Real-Field Dam-Break Flows: Review and Recent Advances A. Maranzoni & M. Tomirotti 10.3390/w15173130
- Numerical Study of the Water Surface Movement on the Breaching Process of Natural Dams A. Issakhov et al. 10.1007/s11269-024-04011-7
- Numerical Investigation on the Impact of Tailings Slurry on Catch Dams Built at the Downstream of a Breached Tailings Pond S. Zhou & L. Li 10.3390/pr10050898
- An optimized volume of fluid method for modelling three-dimensional debris flows. Implementation in OpenFOAM, validation, and application in the Aiwa Watershed, Beijing Y. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104651
- Tailings Dam Breach Outflow Modelling: A Review U. Sreekumar et al. 10.1007/s10230-024-01015-y
- Coupling reinforcement of uranium tailings via Klebsiella-induced calcium carbonate precipitation and waterborne polyurethane C. Duan et al. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.132641
- Probabilistic Analysis of Floods from Tailings Dam Failures: A Method to Analyze the Impact of Rheological Parameters on the HEC-RAS Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley Models M. Melo & J. Eleutério 10.3390/w15162866
- 3D Numerical Modelling of Tailings Dam Breach Run Out Flow over Complex Terrain: A Multidisciplinary Procedure K. Wang et al. 10.3390/w12092538
- Experimental and numerical investigations of a catastrophic tailings dam break in Daye, Hubei, China Y. Zhuang et al. 10.1007/s10064-021-02491-0
- A new look at the statistics of tailings dam failures L. Piciullo et al. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106657
- Numerical Simulation of Tailings Flow from Dam Failure over Complex Terrain Y. Yang et al. 10.3390/ma15062288
- Bidirectionally greedy framework for unsupervised 3D building extraction from airborne-based 3D meshes D. Yu et al. 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104917
- 3D-SPH-DEM coupling simulation for the large deformation failure process of check dams under debris flow impact incorporating the nonlinear collision-constraint bond model Z. Han et al. 10.1016/j.enganabound.2024.105877
- Extracting the Tailings Ponds from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images by Integrating a Deep Learning-Based Model J. Lyu et al. 10.3390/rs13040743
- Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Water Flow on the Piers of a Bridge for Different Incidence Angles D. Huang 10.32604/fdmp.2022.020314
- Watch Out for the Tailings Pond, a Sharp Edge Hanging over Our Heads: Lessons Learned and Perceptions from the Brumadinho Tailings Dam Failure Disaster D. Cheng et al. 10.3390/rs13091775
- A virtual geographic environment for dynamic simulation and analysis of tailings dam failure D. Yu et al. 10.1080/17538947.2021.1945151
- A Method for Estimating the Area Covered by Tailings in a Dam Failure Scenario T. Lazarim et al. 10.1007/s10706-021-01920-x
Latest update: 06 Mar 2025
Short summary
In recent years, dam-break accidents in tailing ponds have happened frequently, which has resulted in verified loss of life and ecological disaster. Simulation of a tailing dam accident in advance is useful for understanding the tailing flow characteristics and assessing the possible extension of the impact area. In this paper, a 3-D CFD approach was proposed for reasonably and quickly predicting the flow routing and impact area of mud flow from a dam failure across 3-D terrain.
In recent years, dam-break accidents in tailing ponds have happened frequently, which has...
Final-revised paper