Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Invited perspectives
29 Mar 2019
Invited perspectives |  | 29 Mar 2019

Invited perspectives: Mountain roads in Nepal at a new crossroads

Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Brian G. McAdoo, Sanjaya Devkota, Purna Chandra Lal Rajbhandari, John Howell, and Shuva Sharma


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
This article discusses how Nepal's development, landslide risk and geopolitics are intertwined as the country seeks to expand its road networks. However, rural villages adjacent to major roads have developed their own network of poorly constructed rural roads, which are likely to increase environmental and socioeconomic risks associated with roadside landslides. We base our observations on research conducted over a decade in Nepal, with reference to new research on roads and landslides.
Final-revised paper