Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Research article
05 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 05 Jan 2018

Mechanism of groundwater inrush hazard caused by solution mining in a multilayered rock-salt-mining area: a case study in Tongbai, China

Bin Zeng, Tingting Shi, Zhihua Chen, Liu Xiang, Shaopeng Xiang, and Muyi Yang


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Short summary
The solution mining of salt mineral resources may contaminate groundwater and lead to water inrush out of the ground due to brine leakage. The geological condition determines the total risk; physical–chemical reaction principle analysis and hydrogeochemical simulation can determine the source of the brine leakage and identify the mixed proportion of inrush water in a multilayered rock salt mining area. The research is advantageous for groundwater protection and public health.
Final-revised paper