Articles | Volume 18, issue 3
Research article
09 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2018

Hydrological control of large hurricane-induced lahars: evidence from rainfall-runoff modeling, seismic and video monitoring

Lucia Capra, Velio Coviello, Lorenzo Borselli, Víctor-Hugo Márquez-Ramírez, and Raul Arámbula-Mendoza


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Short summary
The Volcán de Colima (Mexico) is commonly hit by hurricanes that form over the Pacific Ocean, triggering multiple lahars along main ravines on the volcano. Rainfall-runoff simulations were compared with the arrival time of main lahar fronts, showing that flow pulses can be correlated with rainfall peak intensity and watershed discharge, depending on the watershed area and shape. This outcome can be used to implement an early warning system based on the monitoring of a hydro-meteorological event.
Final-revised paper