Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
20 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2018

Adopting the I3R24 rainfall index and landslide susceptibility for the establishment of an early warning model for rainfall-induced shallow landslides

Lun-Wei Wei, Chuen-Ming Huang, Hongey Chen, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Chun-Chi Chi, and Chen-Lung Chiu


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Short summary
The difference in susceptibility might lead to a difference in warning threshold for rainfall-induced landslides. Here we divided slope units into three susceptibility levels and established their thresholds separately. It was found that the threshold values gradually increased as the susceptibility decreased for the same alert level. This showed that classifying susceptibility and establishing thresholds separately might provide refined thresholds for disaster prevention.
Final-revised paper