Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
10 May 2017
Research article |  | 10 May 2017

A numerical study of tsunami wave impact and run-up on coastal cliffs using a CIP-based model

Xizeng Zhao, Yong Chen, Zhenhua Huang, Zijun Hu, and Yangyang Gao


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Short summary
Numerical simulations are performed to understand the effects of several factors on tsunami wave impact and run-up in the presence of submarine gentle slopes and coastal cliffs using an in-house code. The run-up on a toe-erosion cliff is smaller than that on a normal cliff. Two impact pressure peaks exist during the tsunami wave run-up and impact. One is the direct impact pressure when tsunami waves first hit the coastal cliff, and the other is caused by the backflow from the cliff run-up.
Final-revised paper