Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Research article
24 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 24 Oct 2017

Assessment of evolution and risks of glacier lake outbursts in the Djungarskiy Alatau, Central Asia, using Landsat imagery and glacier bed topography modelling

Vassiliy Kapitsa, Maria Shahgedanova, Horst Machguth, Igor Severskiy, and Akhmetkal Medeu


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Short summary
Changes in lake count and area in the region of Djungarskiy Alatau were assessed, showing that both increased by 6 % in 2002–2014 due to glacier melt. A total of 50 lakes were identified as potentially dangerous. GlabTop2 was used to simulate location and size of overdeepenings in the subglacier beds which present sites where lakes can develop in the future. The model predicted 67 % of lakes would form in the area de-glacierized in 2002–2014, correctly proving a useful tool in hazard management.
Final-revised paper