Articles | Volume 17, issue 9
Brief communication
25 Sep 2017
Brief communication |  | 25 Sep 2017

Brief communication: Characteristic properties of extreme wave events observed in the northern Baltic Proper, Baltic Sea

Jan-Victor Björkqvist, Laura Tuomi, Niko Tollman, Antti Kangas, Heidi Pettersson, Riikka Marjamaa, Hannu Jokinen, and Carl Fortelius


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Discussed (preprint)

Latest update: 30 Mar 2025
Short summary
We studied the highest wave events in the Baltic Sea using wave measurements available since 1996. Going beyond classifying them based solely on the maximum wave height, we found that they can be divided into two groups based on, for example, the length of the storm. Two of the severest storms show different behaviour, with the most recent (in 2017) being the longest on record. We hope this more in-depth description of the storms will aid in the issuing of warnings for extreme wave conditions.
Final-revised paper