Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Research article
16 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2016

Boulder accumulations related to extreme wave events on the eastern coast of Malta

Sara Biolchi, Stefano Furlani, Fabrizio Antonioli, Niccoló Baldassini, Joanna Causon Deguara, Stefano Devoto, Agata Di Stefano, Julian Evans, Timothy Gambin, Ritienne Gauci, Giuseppe Mastronuzzi, Carmelo Monaco, and Giovanni Scicchitano


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Short summary
Along the eastern coast of Malta, the processes responsible for the transport of anomalous large boulders from the sea to the coast were analysed. The wave heights required to transport them from the sea to the coast were estimated using a hydrodynamic approach, while AMS 14C ages were determined from encrusted marine organisms. The combination of the results suggests that the majority of boulders were detached and moved by storm waves, but the occurrence of past tsunamis cannot be ruled out.
Final-revised paper