Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
31 May 2016
Research article |  | 31 May 2016

Tsunami hazard potential for the equatorial southwestern Pacific atolls of Tokelau from scenario-based simulations

Alan R. Orpin, Graham J. Rickard, Peter K. Gerring, and Geoffroy Lamarche


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Short summary
Devastating tsunami emphasize the vulnerability of low-lying islands and coasts. Our risk assessment for the three atolls of Tokelau uses computer simulations of tsunami generated by a series of regional and distant earthquakes to inform a community advisory of a threat from tsunami flooding. Great earthquakes off northeastern Japan pose a potential threat, with maximum wave heights >  1 m, but villages remain dry. Informative simulation studies can be achieved on atolls with only basic field data.
Final-revised paper