Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Research article
26 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2015

Repeated glacial lake outburst flood threatening the oldest Buddhist monastery in north-western Nepal

J. Kropáček, N. Neckel, B. Tyrna, N. Holzer, A. Hovden, N. Gourmelen, C. Schneider, M. Buchroithner, and V. Hochschild


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Short summary
The supraglacial lake basin was mapped by DGPS and the SFM approach from terrestrial photographs. The maximum filling capacity of the lake was estimated, with a maximum discharge of 77.8 m3/s, calculated using an empirical relation. The flooded area in the valley was delineated by employing a raster-based hydraulic model. A coincidence of the GLOF events with high values of cumulative above-zero temperature and precipitation calculated from the HAR data set was revealed.
Final-revised paper