Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
24 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 24 Jun 2015

Assessing the vulnerability of infrastructure to climate change on the Islands of Samoa

S. H. M. Fakhruddin, M. S. Babel, and A. Kawasaki

Abstract. Pacific Islanders have been exposed to risks associated with climate change. Samoa, as one of the Pacific Islands, is prone to climatic hazards that will likely increase in the coming decades, affecting coastal communities and infrastructure around the islands. Climate models do not predict a reduction of such disaster events in the future in Samoa; indeed, most predict an increase. This paper identifies key infrastructure and their functions and status in order to provide an overall picture of relative vulnerability to climate-related stresses of such infrastructure on the island. By reviewing existing reports as well as holding a series of consultation meetings, a list of critical infrastructure was developed and shared with stakeholders for their consideration. An indicator-based vulnerability model (SIVM) was developed in collaboration with stakeholders to assess the vulnerability of selected infrastructure systems on the Samoan Islands. Damage costs were extracted from the Cyclone Evan recovery needs document. Additionally, data on criticality and capacity to repair damage were collected from stakeholders. Having stakeholder perspectives on these two issues was important because (a) criticality of a given infrastructure could be viewed differently among different stakeholders, and (b) stakeholders were the best available source (in this study) to estimate the capacity to repair non-physical damage to such infrastructure. Analysis of the results suggested a ranking of sectors from the most vulnerable to least vulnerable are: the transportation sector, the power sector, the water supply sector and the sewerage system.

Short summary
This paper identifies key infrastructure and their functions and status to provide an overall picture of relative vulnerability to climate-related stresses on infrastructures in Samoa. An indicator-based vulnerability model (SIVM) was developed to assess two major issues a) criticality of a given infrastructure, viewed differently among different stakeholders, and b) stakeholders, the best available source, could estimate the capacity to repair non-physical damage to such infrastructure.
Final-revised paper