Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
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© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
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Assessing gridded observations for daily precipitation extremes in the Alps with a focus on northwest Italy
M. Turco
CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change), Impacts on Soil and Coasts Division, via Maiorise s.n.c., 81043 Capua (CE), Italy
A. L. Zollo
CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change), Impacts on Soil and Coasts Division, via Maiorise s.n.c., 81043 Capua (CE), Italy
C. Ronchi
Arpa Piemonte, Dipartimento Sistemi Previsionali, via Pio VII, 9 – 10135 Torino, Italy
C. De Luigi
Arpa Piemonte, Dipartimento Sistemi Previsionali, via Pio VII, 9 – 10135 Torino, Italy
P. Mercogliano
CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change), Impacts on Soil and Coasts Division, via Maiorise s.n.c., 81043 Capua (CE), Italy
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33 citations as recorded by crossref.
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