Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
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© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
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Towards a database on societal impact of Mediterranean floods within the framework of the HYMEX project
M. C. Llasat
GAMA (Meteorological Hazards Analysis Team) Department of Astronomy and Meteorology Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
M. Llasat-Botija
GAMA (Meteorological Hazards Analysis Team) Department of Astronomy and Meteorology Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
O. Petrucci
CNR-IRPI (Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica), Cosenza, Italy
A. A. Pasqua
CNR-IRPI (Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica), Cosenza, Italy
J. Rosselló
Grup de Climatologia, Hidrologia, Riscs i Territori. Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
F. Vinet
Laboratoire GRED. Université Montpellier 3/IRD, France
L. Boissier
Laboratoire GRED. Université Montpellier 3/IRD, France
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110 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 22 Feb 2025