Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under
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An early warning system for flash floods in hyper-arid Egypt
J. Cools
Antea Group, Ghent, Belgium
University of Geneva, enviroSPACE Laboratory, Switzerland
now at: Cool2Adapt Consult, Ghent, Belgium
P. Vanderkimpen
Antea Group, Ghent, Belgium
G. El Afandi
Al Azhar University, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, Cairo, Egypt
Tuskegee University, College of Agricultural, Environment and Nutrition Sciences, College of Engineering, Tuskegee, Alabama, USA
A. Abdelkhalek
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Hydrology, Brussels, Belgium
Water Resources Research Institute, El Khanater, Egypt
S. Fockedey
University College West Flanders, Research Group EnBiChem, Kortrijk, Belgium
M. El Sammany
Water Resources Research Institute, El Khanater, Egypt
now at: Nile Research Institute, El Khanater, Egypt
G. Abdallah
Water Resources Research Institute, El Khanater, Egypt
M. El Bihery
Water Resources Research Institute, El Khanater, Egypt
now at: Ministry of Regional Municipalities & Water Resources, Muscat, Oman
W. Bauwens
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Hydrology, Brussels, Belgium
M. Huygens
Antea Group, Ghent, Belgium
now at: Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering (DEME), Zwijndrecht, Belgium
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71 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 22 Feb 2025