Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Research article
24 Mar 2011
Research article |  | 24 Mar 2011

Industrial accidents triggered by natural hazards: an emerging risk issue

E. Krausmann, V. Cozzani, E. Salzano, and E. Renni

Abstract. The threat of natural hazards impacting chemical facilities and infrastructures with the subsequent release of hazardous substances has been recognised as an emerging risk which is likely to be exacerbated by the ongoing climate change. Within the European FP7 project iNTeg-Risk, efforts are dedicated to address the problem of Natech accidents by trying to understand their underlying causes and by developing methodologies and tools to assess Natech risk. Special attention is thereby given to the risk of chemical accidents triggered by earthquakes, floods and lightning. This work outlines the ongoing efforts in the development of new concepts and tools for Natech hazard and vulnerability ranking, risk assessment, risk-based design, and emergency planning and early warning.
