Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Research article
08 Mar 2011
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2011

Rapid forecasting of tsunami runup heights from 2-D numerical simulations

B. H. Choi, V. Kaistrenko, K. O. Kim, B. I. Min, and E. Pelinovsky

Abstract. We propose a method to compute tsunami runup heights that is based on an integration of numerical, 2-D shallow-water modelling and an analytical, 1-D long-wave runup theory. This approach provides a faster forecast of tsunami runup heights than a complicated coastal inundation model. Through simulations of potential tsunami scenarios, this approach can also be applied to long-term tsunami prediction. We tested the model by simulating the historical event in the East (Japan) Sea and found that the estimates of runup heights agreed well with the available observations.
