Articles | Volume 10, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2010
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2010

Model-based tsunami warnings derived from observed impacts

S. C. R. Allen and D. J. M. Greenslade

Abstract. The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre uses the T2 tsunami scenario database to provide forecast guidance for potential tsunami threats to the coastlines of mainland Australia and its external territories. This study describes a method for generating coastal tsunami warnings from model data obtained from the T2 scenario database. Consideration of observed coastal impacts for nine past events leads to retrospective or "ideal" warning schemes being designed. The 95th percentile values of maximum amplitude within designated coastal zones are examined and thresholds that produce the best match for the ideal schemes are selected. This empirical method is impact-based and allows the T2 scenarios to be used as a proxy for potential impacts on the coast in order to generate warnings for the Australian region.
