29 Nov 2019
 | 29 Nov 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

An integrated hydrological and hydraulic modelling approach for the flood risk assessment over Po river basin

Rita Nogherotto, Adriano Fantini, Francesca Raffaele, Fabio Di Sante, Francesco Dottori, Erika Coppola, and Filippo Giorgi

Abstract. Identification of flood prone areas is instrumental for a large number of applications, ranging from engineering to climate change studies, and provides essential information for planning effective emergency responses. In this work we describe an integrated hydrological and hydraulic modeling approach for the assessment of flood-prone areas in Italy and we present the first results obtained over the Po river (Northern Italy) at a resolution of 90 m. River discharges are obtained through the hydrological model CHyM driven by GRIPHO, a newly-developed high resolution hourly precipitation dataset. Runoff data is then used to obtain Synthetic Design Hydrographs (SDHs) for different return periods along the river network. Flood hydrographs are subsequently processed by a parallelized version of the CA2D hydraulic model to calculate the flow over an ad hoc re-shaped HydroSHEDS digital elevation model which includes information about the channel geometry. Modeled hydrographs and SDHs are compared with those obtained from observed data for a choice of gauging stations, showing an overall good performance of the CHyM model. The flood hazard maps for return periods of 50, 100, 500 are validated by comparison with the official flood hazard maps produced by the River Po Authority (Adbpo) and with the Joint Research Centre's (JRC) pan-European maps. The results show a good agreement with the available official national flood maps for high return periods. For lower return periods the results and less satisfactory but overall the application suggests strong potential of the proposed approach for future applications.

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Rita Nogherotto, Adriano Fantini, Francesca Raffaele, Fabio Di Sante, Francesco Dottori, Erika Coppola, and Filippo Giorgi
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Rita Nogherotto, Adriano Fantini, Francesca Raffaele, Fabio Di Sante, Francesco Dottori, Erika Coppola, and Filippo Giorgi
Rita Nogherotto, Adriano Fantini, Francesca Raffaele, Fabio Di Sante, Francesco Dottori, Erika Coppola, and Filippo Giorgi


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