18 Sep 2019
 | 18 Sep 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Shape and dimension estimations of landslide rupture zones via correlations of characteristic parameters

Gisela Domej, Céline Bourdeau, Luca Lenti, and Salvatore Martino

Abstract. For many geotechnical purposes, the proper estimation of shapes and dimensions of landslide rupture zones is of significant importance. Very often this exact delineation is difficult due to the lack of information on rupture zone extents in 3D. Based on a global landslide inventory, this study presents a refined statistical analysis correlating dimension-related and shape-related parameters characterizing a rupture zone in 3D to its volume. Dimension-parameters are approximated by linear regressions increasing with greater volumes, whereas shape-related parameters appear stable throughout the entire range of volumes. Revealing themselves as very stable, these correlations can be used, hence, to extrapolate from a distinct parameter to the volume of a landslide rupture zone. In a second stage, ratios of dimension-related parameters are correlated with rupture zone volumes. Also, this type of correlation delivers very stable results showing that ratios are constant throughout the entire range of volumes. Making use of this ratio consistency, it is possible to deduce one of the two parameters when the other one is given. This latter aspect seems to be promising for remote sensing surveys when initial rupture areas or rupture volumes should be delineated.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Gisela Domej, Céline Bourdeau, Luca Lenti, and Salvatore Martino

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Gisela Domej, Céline Bourdeau, Luca Lenti, and Salvatore Martino
Gisela Domej, Céline Bourdeau, Luca Lenti, and Salvatore Martino


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Short summary
For assessing landslides, it is of particular interest to delineate their volume. For example, numerical models, as well as GIS procedures, rely on exact delineations to characterize hazard potentials. This work presents parameters describing the dimensions and shapes of landslides. Via stable relations among each other and their relations to initial rupture volumes of landslides, it becomes possible to deduce parameters from each other and to infer volume estimates from given parameters.