04 Jul 2019
 | 04 Jul 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

Vulnerability analysis in Complex Networks under a Flood Risk Reduction point of view

Leonardo B. L. Santos, Aurelienne A. S. Jorge, Luciana R. Londe, Regina T. Reani, Roberta B. Bacelar, and Igor M. Sokolov

Abstract. The measurement and mapping of transportation network vulnerability constitute subjects of global interest. During a flood, some elements of a transportation network can be reached, causing damages directly (to people, vehicles and roads/streets) and indirect damages (services) with great economic impacts. The Complex Networks approach may offer a valuable perspective considering one type of vulnerability especially related to Disaster Risk Reduction on critical infrastructures: the topological vulnerability. The topological vulnerability index associated to an element in a graph is defined as the damage (variation) on the network’s average efficiency due to the removal of that element. We have performed a topological vulnerability analysis to the highways in the state of Santa Catarina (Brazil), and produced a risk map considering that index and the flood susceptible areas. Our results can represent an important tool for stakeholders from the transportation sector.

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Leonardo B. L. Santos, Aurelienne A. S. Jorge, Luciana R. Londe, Regina T. Reani, Roberta B. Bacelar, and Igor M. Sokolov
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Leonardo B. L. Santos, Aurelienne A. S. Jorge, Luciana R. Londe, Regina T. Reani, Roberta B. Bacelar, and Igor M. Sokolov
Leonardo B. L. Santos, Aurelienne A. S. Jorge, Luciana R. Londe, Regina T. Reani, Roberta B. Bacelar, and Igor M. Sokolov


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Short summary
The measurement and mapping of transportation network vulnerability constitute subjects of global interest. During a flood, some elements of a transportation network can be reached, causing damages directly (to people) and indirect damages (to services) with great economic impacts. The Complex Networks approach may offer a valuable perspective considering the topological vulnerability. Our results can represent an important tool for stakeholders from the transportation sector.