20 Dec 2018
 | 20 Dec 2018
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Man-made earthquakes prevention through monitoring and discharging their causative stress-deformed states

Oleg Kuznetsov, Igor Chirkin, Ahmed Radwan, Ahmed Ismail, Yury Lyasch, Samuel LeRoy, Evgeny Rizanov, and Sergey Koligaev

Abstract. Despite our understanding of the different mechanisms of man-made earthquakes, their short-term prediction and prevention is yet to be attained. In this study, we propose an integrated four-step approach to predict and prevent man-made earthquakes or reduce their chance of occurrence. Our four-step approach includes: 1) locating the highly anomalous zones of microseismic emission (MSE) that result from the stress-deformed state inside a geological formation and often represents the seismic nuclei for impending earthquakes, 2) Monitoring the variations and dynamics of the anomalous MSE zones over a period of one lunar month, 3) inducing a creep-discharging of the MSE zones using a vibroseis seismic source at the ground surface, and 4) monitoring the same MSE zones following the creep-discharge to determine whether the stress-deformed state was released and the chance of potential earthquake occurrence has been eliminated or reduced. The proposed full four-step approach has never implemented at one single location. Nevertheless, the steps have been tested separately at different sites and have proven successful. We propose conducting the full four-step approach at various locations of potential man-made earthquake activities around the world including the state of Oklahoma in the United States.

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Oleg Kuznetsov, Igor Chirkin, Ahmed Radwan, Ahmed Ismail, Yury Lyasch, Samuel LeRoy, Evgeny Rizanov, and Sergey Koligaev
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Oleg Kuznetsov, Igor Chirkin, Ahmed Radwan, Ahmed Ismail, Yury Lyasch, Samuel LeRoy, Evgeny Rizanov, and Sergey Koligaev
Oleg Kuznetsov, Igor Chirkin, Ahmed Radwan, Ahmed Ismail, Yury Lyasch, Samuel LeRoy, Evgeny Rizanov, and Sergey Koligaev


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