15 Aug 2018
 | 15 Aug 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

A Mathematical Framework for Crisis Spatial Crowdsourcing Services

Hooshang Eivazy and Mohammad Reza Malek

Abstract. Almost all crises or disasters have vast consequences in both spatial and temporal scale which are difficult to manage because of the size of hazards and their complexities. To conquer the vast size of consequences, it is possible to deploy potential of crowds but there are few developed tools to come over the complexity of required emergency processes. Dividing complex process into atomic crowdsourcing services would be a proper solution to use potential of crowds. We have innovated these services as atomic reply to spatial urgent requests including an informative, activity and confirmative segment. Proper composition of such atomic services in both spatial and temporal components would be able to manage sophisticated crisis fields. Administration of such services require a robust and operational framework. In this paper we have designed a crisis crowdsourcing mathematical framework which is constructed upon vector space elements and some meaningful eligible operations among them. The framework inherits tensor and differential geometry specifications. Vectors simulate crisis environment main objects in a multidimensional space. Likewise operations coincide possible actions among crisis objects.

Proposed Framework introduces tools to compose and arrange atomic crowdsourcing services in optimum mode to conquer complex aiding process. Framework offers a mathematical intelligible documentation method too which is able to record process details as well as objects' status in space. To evaluate our framework we simulate different scenarios in a commercial simulation software and in our proposed framework. Defined scenarios included real field crisis reports, multi-agents interactive challenges for aiding and inquiry research forms for overall evaluation. Comparing results revealed considerable coincidence that could be evaluated as framework assurance.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Hooshang Eivazy and Mohammad Reza Malek

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Hooshang Eivazy and Mohammad Reza Malek
Hooshang Eivazy and Mohammad Reza Malek


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This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
Our mathematical framework aiding rescuing process of a crisis field via spatial crowdsourcing services. Framework is able to simulate different crisis field object behaviors and our crowdsourcing services in space and gives the ability to track objects’ movement in all dimension of space, forming influence-ability constrains and documenting main environment objects and interactions as well as managing crowdsourcing services and simplifying programming process and let to crisis field simulation.