12 Feb 2018
 | 12 Feb 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Estimation of hazard assessment by FINSIM for west coast and son narmada faults

Shivamanth Angadi and Mayank Desai

Abstract. The Seismic hazard study was carried out for Maharashtra state, Bombay (Latitude 18.940 N, Longitude 72.840 E). In the present study the geological fault is known as West coast fault and Son Narmada Faults were studied and used for the earthquake simulation, extended finite fault method originally FINSIM given by M. Atkinson (1998), was used to simulate an earthquake of 6.5 Mw. The soil classification was carried out by the Shear wave velocity and the relation between Shear wave velocity and SPT valves were also recommended by Sumedh Y. Mhaske (2011), since the Mumbai has been formed by the conglomeration of various islands which has come together to form a single landmass. The soil investigation suggested that Most of the region comes under the Class D and C for the worst case simulation we have used the site class D. The peak ground accelerations (PGA) vary from 0.03g to 0.133 g. While coming to zonal area IS1893:2002 still consider the Mumbai city under zone III with the Z value of 0.16 and the result have been compared with the analysis done by many researchers in the same area.

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Shivamanth Angadi and Mayank Desai
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Shivamanth Angadi and Mayank Desai
Shivamanth Angadi and Mayank Desai


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Short summary
The main intention of the present work is to generate the Peak Ground Accelerations contour map for the Mumbai city using finite fault modeling technique incorporating the local soil properties and its amplification effects due to the earthquakes that may occur in the geological faults present in and around the Mumbai city.