13 Feb 2017
 | 13 Feb 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Brief Communication: Use of multicopter drone optical images for landslide mapping and characterization

Guglielmo Rossi, Luca Tanteri, Veronica Tofani, Pietro Vannocci, Sandro Moretti, and Nicola Casagli

Abstract. The Department of Earth Sciences of Florence (DST) has developed a new type of drone chassis., Several survey campaigns were performed in Ricasoli village, in the Upper Arno river Valley (Tuscany, Italy) with the drone equipped with an optical camera, to understand the possibility of this rising technology to map and to characterize landslides. The aerial RGB images were analysed and combined using SfM (Structure from Motion) software. The comparative analysis of the obtained DTMs allowed an accurate reconstruction and mapping of the detected landslides. The collected data also allowed to precisely detect some slope portions prone to failure and to evaluate the area and volume of the involved masses.

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Guglielmo Rossi, Luca Tanteri, Veronica Tofani, Pietro Vannocci, Sandro Moretti, and Nicola Casagli

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Interactive discussion

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Guglielmo Rossi, Luca Tanteri, Veronica Tofani, Pietro Vannocci, Sandro Moretti, and Nicola Casagli
Guglielmo Rossi, Luca Tanteri, Veronica Tofani, Pietro Vannocci, Sandro Moretti, and Nicola Casagli


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Latest update: 08 Mar 2025

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Short summary
The Department of Earth Sciences of Florence (DST) has developed a new type of drone chassis that has been equipped with an optical camera to map landslides. The images acquired during the aerial drone surveys allowed to obtain a continuous 3D surface model of the studied area using a photogrammetric approach.The drone survey has proven to be an easier and more cost- and time-effective approach with respect to other techniques to mpa landslides.