01 Nov 2017
 | 01 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

Risk-based analysis of monitoring time intervals for landslide prevention

Jongook Lee, Dong Kun Lee, Sung-Ho Kil, and Ho Gul Kim

Abstract. Landslide is one of the most dangerous disasters in terms of occurrence frequency and damage severity that result in loss of human life and social infrastructure. Monitoring methods based on low temporal resolution instruments such as an inclinometer or piezometer can be an effective and cost-efficient solution. The objective of this research is to analyse monitoring time intervals for low temporal resolution methods based on a risk study and to propose a plan for periodic landslide monitoring along with the different landslide hazard areas by considering the risk reduction effect. For this purpose, an equation for the probability of landslide occurrence was denoted by the concept of reliability, and the monitoring time interval was analysed quantitatively by calculating the average probability of landslide occurrence. To identity the frequency of landslide occurrence, a unit of relative temporal frequencies was adopted, and it was estimated by establishing rainfall threshold. As a case study site, Pyeongchang County was selected, where landslide inventory data are available and an increase in population and infrastructure has been observed since Pyeongchang became the host city of the 2018 winter Olympic games. The result demonstrates that the appropriate monitoring intervals can be determined by calculating the average probability of landslide occurrence, and resources can then be allocated efficiently for landslide prevention.

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Jongook Lee, Dong Kun Lee, Sung-Ho Kil, and Ho Gul Kim
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jongook Lee, Dong Kun Lee, Sung-Ho Kil, and Ho Gul Kim
Jongook Lee, Dong Kun Lee, Sung-Ho Kil, and Ho Gul Kim


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Short summary
Landslide is one of the most dangerous disasters. However, it is challenging to have costly measures to manage risk from landslides.The objective of this research is to analyse monitoring time intervals for low temporal resolution methods based on a risk study and to propose a plan for periodic landslide monitoring.The result shows that the timely landslide monitoring schedule can be planned by calculating the average probability of landslide occurrence considering risk reduction effects.