28 Aug 2017
 | 28 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Application of FLaIR model for early warning system in Chibo Pashyor, Kalimpong, India for rainfall-induced landslides

Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam

Abstract. The development of an early warning system for landslides due to rainfall has become an indispensable part for landslide risk mitigation. This paper explains the application of the hydrological FLaIR (Forecasting of Landslides Induced by Rainfall) model, correlating rainfall amount and landslide events. The FLaIR model comprises of two modules: RL (Rainfall-Landslide) which correlates rainfall and landslide occurrence and RF (Rainfall-Forecasting) which allows simulation of future rainfall events. The model can predetermine landslides based on identification of mobility function Y(.) which links actual rainfall and incidence of landslide occurrence. The critical value of mobility function was analyzed using 1st July 2015 event and applying it to 2016 monsoon to validate the results. These rainfall thresholds presented can be improved with intense hourly rainfall and landslide inventory data. This paper describes the details of the model and its performance for the study area.

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Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam

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Interactive discussion

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Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam
Abhirup Dikshit and Neelima Satyam


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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025

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Short summary
42 % of India's landmass prone to landslides falls in North East Himalaya. One such majorly affected area is Chibo Pashyor located in Darjeeling Himalayas in the state of West Bengal, India. Early warning systems due to rainfall induced landslides has not yet been attempted in this region. This paper is an attempt towards the use of hydrological model which would be an initial step towards setting up of early warning system with an objective to protect human lives from rain-induced landslides.