29 May 2017
 | 29 May 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Assessment of shallow landslide susceptibility using an artificial neural network in Enshi region, China

Bin Zeng, Wei Xiang, Joachim Rohn, Dominik Ehret, and Xiaoxi Chen

Abstract. Landslides are one of the most common and damaging natural hazards in mountainous areas. However, due to the complex mechanisms that influence the activation of landslides, it can often be very difficult to predict exactly when a landslide will occur. Therefore, research on landslide prevention and mitigation mainly focuses on the distribution forecasting of unstable slopes that are prone to landslides in specific regions and under multiple external forces. The prediction of the spatial distribution of these unstable slopes, termed Landslide Susceptibility Zonation, is important in helping with government land-use planning and in reducing unnecessary loss of life and property. Researching unstable slopes in the Silurian stratum in Enshi region, China, this investigation established a GIS and artificial neural network (ANN)-based method to predict the distribution of potential landslides in this area. Based on the failure mechanism analysis of typical landslides in Silurian stratum, development of evaluation index system which represents the most relevant factors that influence the slope stability, and establishment of intelligent slope stability susceptibility prediction model by artificial neural network, the spatial distribution of unstable slope zones that are prone to landslides were predicted in the study area. The results were further well supported from remote sensing data and field investigations. This research proves that the spatial unstable slope prediction method based on intelligence theory and GIS technology is accurate and reliable.

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Bin Zeng, Wei Xiang, Joachim Rohn, Dominik Ehret, and Xiaoxi Chen

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Interactive discussion

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Bin Zeng, Wei Xiang, Joachim Rohn, Dominik Ehret, and Xiaoxi Chen
Bin Zeng, Wei Xiang, Joachim Rohn, Dominik Ehret, and Xiaoxi Chen


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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025

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Short summary
Landslides are one of the most common and damaging natural hazards in mountainous areas. Based on the failure mechanism analysis, a targeted evaluation factor index system was developed, and a prediction model combined GIS technology with artificial neural network was established for predicting distribution of unstable slope zones that are prone to landslides in the study area. The result proves that the prediction method based on intelligence theory and GIS technology is accurate and reliable.