04 Feb 2016
 | 04 Feb 2016
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

A Continuous Dynamic Prediction Model of Gas Pressure Based on Gas Emission at Excavation Face and its Engineering Application

Chen Liang and Wang Enyuan

Abstract. Gas pressure is one of the necessary conditions for the occurrence of coal and gas outburst. Realization of continuous and dynamic gas pressure forecasting is of significance for prevention and control of coal and gas outburst. In this work, we established a gas pressure prediction model based on the source of gas emission with considering fluid-solid coupling process. The verified results showed that the predicted gas pressure was roughly consistent with the actual situation, indicating that the prediction model is correct. And it could meet the need of engineering projects. Coal and gas outburst dynamic phenomenon is successfully predicted in engineering application with the model. Overall, prediction coal and gas outburst with the gas pressure model can achieve the continuous and dynamic effect. It can overcome both the static and sampling shortcomings of traditional methods, and solve the difficulty of coal and gas outburst prediction at the excavation face. With its broad applicability and potential prospect, we believe the model is of great importance for improving prevention and control of gas disasters.

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Chen Liang and Wang Enyuan

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Interactive discussion

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Chen Liang and Wang Enyuan
Chen Liang and Wang Enyuan


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This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
we established a gas pressure prediction model, and verified it using numerical simulation and applied it into engineering. The results showed that the predicted gas pressure was roughly consistent with the actual situation, indicating that the prediction model had a higher accuracy, and could meet the need of engineering projects. Engineering application of the model successfully predicted coal and gas dynamic phenomena at the excavation face.